

Below is a list of services provided by Nirveda.


Psychotherapy is collaborative process between two people, both of whom will change and grow from the therapeutic relationship.

The therapeutic context is based upon conditions of unconditional positive regard and empathy. In training, therapists develop expertise and skill in facilitating healing through a process of genuine dialogue with their clients. The key factor to creating positive transformation in the client is the quality of person that the therapist is.

Human qualities such as compassion, caring, good faith, honesty, presence, realness, and sensitivity are extremely fundamental to developing a therapeutic relationship with your client.

There are various types of therapeutic approaches that can be applied to individual, family and group therapy.

  • Individual therapy occurs on a one-to-one basis where the therapist guides the clients towards his/her own solutions.
  • Family therapy entails working with the family system where dysfunctional patterns are identified and addressed.
  • Group therapy occurs in a context where a certain number of clients get together to address certain topics of interest or concern. In a support groups, for example, people with the same problem find ways to cope with and defeat the problem. For example, people with cancer form support groups to help each other cope.

Day Wellness Centre


Day Wellness Centre is for persons who suffer from  chronic psychiatric disorders, physical disabilities or neuro-cognitive disorders.  The fundamental aim of the day care centre is to minimise re-admission to psychiatric hospitals, to facilitate psycho-social and neurocognitive recovery, enhance social functioning, increase independence, and re-integrate patients back into their communities. It also aims to assist persons to become gainfully employed and optimise the functional outcomes of patients within their physical and mental limitations.  We offer a full day program that includes:

  • Mental Wellness
  • Neurocognitive Rehabilitation
  • Relaxation and Mindfulness Meditation
  • Skills development
  • Arts and crafts
  • Group therapy


Please see for more information.



Psychological assessment entails the use of various techniques or testing in order to provide clinicians with some hypotheses about a person and their behaviour, personality and capabilities.


Nirveda offers the following types of assessments:

  • Personality tests
  • Intelligence tests
  • Projective tests
  • Neuropsychological tests